
Snippets from my Exit Interview

Well, I'm nearly gone now. I had a 30 minute exit interview to follow up on my three paragraph diatribe written comments. Highlights included the phrase 'shitshow' (twice), throwing my manager under the bus for everyone leaving, including the fact that he has no people skills and has legit made people cry. I told them that I had no faith that the department would be there in a year under his leadership, and that measuring someone's right to a raise by percentage of increase is bullcrap and it means people who are already underpaid will REMAIN underpaid. I also pointed out that all the experienced people in the department were GONE, and they needed to rebuild it from the ground up starting with the manager. Finished with my experiences staying with a company until it died and I got laid off, and pointed out that this time, I was leaving…

Well, I'm nearly gone now.

I had a 30 minute exit interview to follow up on my three paragraph diatribe written comments. Highlights included the phrase 'shitshow' (twice), throwing my manager under the bus for everyone leaving, including the fact that he has no people skills and has legit made people cry. I told them that I had no faith that the department would be there in a year under his leadership, and that measuring someone's right to a raise by percentage of increase is bullcrap and it means people who are already underpaid will REMAIN underpaid. I also pointed out that all the experienced people in the department were GONE, and they needed to rebuild it from the ground up starting with the manager.

Finished with my experiences staying with a company until it died and I got laid off, and pointed out that this time, I was leaving before that happened. I start a new job next week, and while it's going to be INSANELY busy, at least I won't be worried being laid off / restructured any time soon.

I get the statement about not doing exit interviews, but they're the only way to give the people I leave behind a chance at things getting better.

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