
So… a question about random scheduled hours?

I'm part time, worked 3 days and that was it, now the company is understaffed and my boss gave me 2 “extra” days which are Mon and tues, last month I already said that I can't do tues (at a set date) due to a doc appointment but I don't need to sign anything because I'm not working that day, anyway now I have my schedule for this month and it's been changed over 35 times… its an extremely hard thing to go through when you got NO idea what time, where you gonna be assigned, or what days you have… So today I got a message at 3:56 that ill be working tommorow… my boss, yelled at me that I needed to sign off that day for leave and his sick of telling people… but that's the thing… its an extra day… don't I have rights as a part…

I'm part time, worked 3 days and that was it, now the company is understaffed and my boss gave me 2 “extra” days which are Mon and tues, last month I already said that I can't do tues (at a set date) due to a doc appointment but I don't need to sign anything because I'm not working that day, anyway now I have my schedule for this month and it's been changed over 35 times… its an extremely hard thing to go through when you got NO idea what time, where you gonna be assigned, or what days you have… So today I got a message at 3:56 that ill be working tommorow… my boss, yelled at me that I needed to sign off that day for leave and his sick of telling people… but that's the thing… its an extra day… don't I have rights as a part timer to say no? Do I even need to give a reason if I don't work That day? It's even last minute and I even told him I was just given the change today (So 36th change) people at my work even complain to me saying that they get messages at 6am to come to work then get hassled when they wake up that they need to come in… is this ok???

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