
So back in 2019 I worked for a third party satellite company and things didn’t end on a good note.

I was really excited for this job because for the area I was in at the time (eastern KY) it was great money and didn't involve mining. Little did I know that I was gonna be in the worst region with the worst managers. So when I started out, I was trained by the regional manager's nephew. 2 weeks after training me, he was fired for charging customers credit cards with products they did not buy to inflate his in home sales numbers during installs. So now I'm placed with the supervisor who I could already tell was a douchebag and that became more evident on my first day working with him. I did all of his jobs that were booked, plus the ones on my schedule while he literally slept in the passenger seat and snapchatted with barely legal aged girls. This man was around 40yrs old doing this.…

I was really excited for this job because for the area I was in at the time (eastern KY) it was great money and didn't involve mining. Little did I know that I was gonna be in the worst region with the worst managers. So when I started out, I was trained by the regional manager's nephew. 2 weeks after training me, he was fired for charging customers credit cards with products they did not buy to inflate his in home sales numbers during installs. So now I'm placed with the supervisor who I could already tell was a douchebag and that became more evident on my first day working with him. I did all of his jobs that were booked, plus the ones on my schedule while he literally slept in the passenger seat and snapchatted with barely legal aged girls. This man was around 40yrs old doing this. Now to jump back to the previous guy who got fired, after my supervisor signed off on my training, I was given the former employee's van. There was no inventory check, my supervisor said “it should be good to go” but I would spend hours waiting at customer's homes everyday for equipment because the van was indeed not ready to go. Not to mention the roaches I spent a week cleaning out of it. So all in all I started to get fed up with the job because I never had the supplies I was supposed to have in the van and we are paid by a per job basis, and because I was waiting so long for equipment, I constantly had jobs taken off of my route (money out of my pocket) . My supervisor pulled up on one of my jobs and told me my van was now going to be monitored at every job because of the shortage of supplies I had. Meaning I had to record my work and send it to the regional manager for approval that I did the job right and wasn't wasting resources. This pushed me over the edge and I decided to quit. I gave a proper notice and finished my two weeks. Well they withheld $1,100 between my last two paychecks and stated that I stole tools (these were small hand tools and a drill with some bits, around maybe $300 worth, definitely not $1,100). I contacted the labor board of Kentucky and they did a thorough investigation. Here it is 3 years later and I never got my $1,100 because in some of the documentation I signed, there was a disclosure that stated they can withhold wages for missing equipment. Again, my van never had the inventory inspected when it was given to me and I never had the proper equipment to begin with. But they got away with it.

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