
so boss won’t pay extra hours

I don't really know where to post this, so here goes: recently we were drowning in work at my job, and short on hands. I offered my boss to have my partner help out a bit, and he agreed. We didn't work out any specifics, but any of my earlier overtime (off the books) was always settled correctly and in a cordial way. The relationship with my boss has gotten strained recently, and we still have ± 60 hours of her work that need to be compensated. At first he tried to avoid the topic, and questioned how many hours were performed. Then he questioned her log with worked hours and performed tasks. I dug up my own detailed notes so he could compare our work logs, and see we weren't lying about the performed tasks. Finally he had to accept the worked hours, and offered “7 to 8 euro…

I don't really know where to post this, so here goes: recently we were drowning in work at my job, and short on hands. I offered my boss to have my partner help out a bit, and he agreed. We didn't work out any specifics, but any of my earlier overtime (off the books) was always settled correctly and in a cordial way.

The relationship with my boss has gotten strained recently, and we still have ± 60 hours of her work that need to be compensated. At first he tried to avoid the topic, and questioned how many hours were performed. Then he questioned her log with worked hours and performed tasks. I dug up my own detailed notes so he could compare our work logs, and see we weren't lying about the performed tasks.

Finally he had to accept the worked hours, and offered “7 to 8 euro per hour”, which is no less than insulting. This is what you pay a neighbourhood kid to mow your lawn over here. Paying an untrained/unskilled construction worker off the books costs at least 15 an hour here. I can't ask the other superiors for help, since my boss made this deal without consulting with them, and apparently they absolutely disapprove of this way of doing business.

We're absolutely livid, and we know there's almost nothing we can do about it. It's not worth it to instantly quit a job after X years because of this, but I can't deal with the insult of being blatantly ripped off like that.

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