
So here we are

So here we are. At the peek of whaf complaining on reddit about an unfair system and using peaceful solutions has got you: a country that doesnt care for you, run by rich assholes that see you not as people but as assets. Your rights have been stripped directly and indirectly and this is quiet possibly the greatest transgression so far by begining the undoing of womens rights in america. Odds are they wont stop at that. Infact om willing to bet its going to keep going until you poor bastards are in a theocratic oligarchy. Hell the oligarchy part is already true if you consider lobbying (cough cough corruption) to be a valid concern and threat. Words have been said and ignored by your masters. Pleas for help promised to be answered but not with reprise, just with oppression. We have been told to remain ignorant and in servitude…

So here we are. At the peek of whaf complaining on reddit about an unfair system and using peaceful solutions has got you: a country that doesnt care for you, run by rich assholes that see you not as people but as assets.

Your rights have been stripped directly and indirectly and this is quiet possibly the greatest transgression so far by begining the undoing of womens rights in america. Odds are they wont stop at that. Infact om willing to bet its going to keep going until you poor bastards are in a theocratic oligarchy. Hell the oligarchy part is already true if you consider lobbying (cough cough corruption) to be a valid concern and threat.

Words have been said and ignored by your masters. Pleas for help promised to be answered but not with reprise, just with oppression.

We have been told to remain ignorant and in servitude and i think its time we remind those fuckers in charge that government who serves the people shouldnt be run by scum who want the people to serve them.

I dont know where it should start, i dont know who should start it. But i think the time has come to… know….get a little bit rowdy.

I'll leave the rest to you all, because to be perfectly honest im typing this from canada and watching the american government do the shit it does has brought my now boiling blood to an even higher boiling point, so I'll leave off with this;

Some would call it rioting, others peaceful protesting….

Personally i like the term revolution.

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