
So here’s the latest

Theres a department merger happening. Boss sent me a task at the start of the month asking to update the staff records ready for July 1 to accommodate the new dept name. I replied the next day if i have to wait till that date or if i can get a head start. I get no response to that question. Just now i get an email with the staff list to be updated. A significant volume of records. Thats gonna be a tight turnaround, and thats with complete attention on it. But im also covering the another role while other staff are off with covid. Additionally, i take call centre for the country as part of my daily….. Now heres the thing. Boss just forwarded me the attachment as well as the whole email thread with the merger team. They emailed a week ago. didnt get a reply. They emailed…

Theres a department merger happening. Boss sent me a task at the start of the month asking to update the staff records ready for July 1 to accommodate the new dept name. I replied the next day if i have to wait till that date or if i can get a head start.

I get no response to that question.

Just now i get an email with the staff list to be updated. A significant volume of records. Thats gonna be a tight turnaround, and thats with complete attention on it. But im also covering the another role while other staff are off with covid. Additionally, i take call centre for the country as part of my daily…..

Now heres the thing. Boss just forwarded me the attachment as well as the whole email thread with the merger team. They emailed a week ago. didnt get a reply. They emailed again today after no response asking if the email and if anything more is needed. My boss then asks for the merger list….and dumps it on me now wanting it done before business open tomorrow…..

It's 2pm in the afternoon.

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