
So how screwed am I in ever getting my vacation time?

Hi Everyone, So this is the deal in a quick fashion. Working at a company for close to 20 years. I am a salaried exempt manager, and one of the perks of the job was even though we got a month of vacation time a year, we were not held to a cap on the amount accrued, or carried over into another year. The time was to be paid out if you are let go, or quit……It is all codified in the Hand book and has to be signed by all employees. People even in the very recent past have left and got pay outs close to a thousand hours at full rate. So I have a bank of vacation well over 600 hours. It's one of those “We want you to take your vacation time and have a good work life balance, but we understand if you can't…..” Says…

Hi Everyone,

So this is the deal in a quick fashion. Working at a company for close to 20 years. I am a salaried exempt manager, and one of the perks of the job was even though we got a month of vacation time a year, we were not held to a cap on the amount accrued, or carried over into another year. The time was to be paid out if you are let go, or quit……It is all codified in the Hand book and has to be signed by all employees. People even in the very recent past have left and got pay outs close to a thousand hours at full rate.

So I have a bank of vacation well over 600 hours. It's one of those “We want you to take your vacation time and have a good work life balance, but we understand if you can't…..” Says the people when I take a day off for a medical procedure I get called a dozen times and return the next day to “If you are not at work, how can we work……..” A week long vacation is impossible, because it's not worth the grief of what you return to. So I sneak in long weekends here and there.

Anyway, the point of my story. I get a verbal communication (of course they won't put this down on paper) that they are discontinuing the vacation policies for all managers, and no time will be paid out going forward, and we will be capped to carrying 75 hours a year effective immediately. Also, it is a poorly kept secret(amongst the managers) that the company is being openly shopped to be sold by the Partners of the company. So I guess they can't have any dangling financial commitments on the books for a sale, or the Managers all quitting in mass and taking their payouts.

My question out there to the group is there any snow ball's chance in hell that I can fight for my originally agreed upon, and codified compensation to be paid out prior to the sale, or should I just say F it, and immediately go on a 5 Month vacation while looking for another job on the company dime???

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