
So I did it, malicious compliance

And I think it may cost me my job, but oh well. My second job is at a small franchise restaurant, and business is sometimes slow because their prices are through the roof. So I've been getting sent home a lot lately, hours are getting cut from 12 to 8 and even then they might send me home early if it's slow. I came in today and the manager was like “oh, it's slow today, so just finish a couple of things and then do the dishes,” and I can already see myself getting sent home after an hour and a half. So I decide fine, I'll take my sweet ass time. I do the dishes as slow as I possibly can, takes me two hours to get halfway through them. I go to break, and as I'm coming back my manager sees how much is left and nearly has…

And I think it may cost me my job, but oh well. My second job is at a small franchise restaurant, and business is sometimes slow because their prices are through the roof. So I've been getting sent home a lot lately, hours are getting cut from 12 to 8 and even then they might send me home early if it's slow. I came in today and the manager was like “oh, it's slow today, so just finish a couple of things and then do the dishes,” and I can already see myself getting sent home after an hour and a half. So I decide fine, I'll take my sweet ass time. I do the dishes as slow as I possibly can, takes me two hours to get halfway through them. I go to break, and as I'm coming back my manager sees how much is left and nearly has a heart attack, she probably thought I was going to be there until midnight. I do the second half of the dishes and it takes me half an hour. When I'm motivated I'm fast, when my reward for doing a good job is losing money then why the fuck should I try?

I'm not sure my manager exactly picked up on it, or maybe she didn't care. I think in her mind, if someone's not giving a 100% effort it's inexcusable no matter what. And I don't exactly like getting passive aggressive here, they're a much better employer when it comes to most other things than most everyone else, but I literally have no reason to hustle in this scenario, it just costs me money. So yeah, manager's probably gonna tell the boss that I don't want to put in effort, but at this rate who cares? 120 bucks a week is what I'm getting from my current hours, cut that any lower and it's not even worth going in.

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