
So I got fired yesterday….

I moved recently, in January. I had been with my previous job for 5 years, and my previous job before that for 6 years. Well, I started this gig on Feb 1st. The agreement was that he would match my previous salary, and I'd be just that. Salary. Everything seemed good. He seemed like a good guy, and I really liked the crew. Well, it turns out this guy wanted me to work 56 hours a week. That's 64 hours hours a month over 160 hours. This alone should be criminal. But I moved out to the country to try and heal from a breakup and alot of other stuff that has happened in the last year and a half. There are not alot of jobs out here so I figured I'd just work through it, till I can figure something out. Well, I have been having some health issues…

I moved recently, in January. I had been with my previous job for 5 years, and my previous job before that for 6 years. Well, I started this gig on Feb 1st. The agreement was that he would match my previous salary, and I'd be just that. Salary. Everything seemed good. He seemed like a good guy, and I really liked the crew. Well, it turns out this guy wanted me to work 56 hours a week. That's 64 hours hours a month over 160 hours. This alone should be criminal. But I moved out to the country to try and heal from a breakup and alot of other stuff that has happened in the last year and a half. There are not alot of jobs out here so I figured I'd just work through it, till I can figure something out. Well, I have been having some health issues lately. I went on some new blood pressure meds before I moved. I had a reaction to them one day at work. My legs swole up horribly. I showed him, he said I should go to the hospital. So I did. They switched my BP meds. About two weeks later I finally got an appointment with a new Primary Care doctor here so I could do a follow up after that appointment and get a refill on the new BP meds I was on.

I was told I missed too much time from work. He sent me a message saying I was terminated effective immediately. I am devastated. I moved out here for this job. I wouldn't have moved out here otherwise. Without something lined up.

The last two positions I have held (spanning over a decade) were both high level management positions.

I'm gutted.

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