
So, I just quit….

Let me preface that I'm not really in the know with reddit, and don't really belong to any serious reddits even where my main, and only other account is concerned. I don't know much about reddit etiquette, if anything at all. If this isn't the place for this, I kindly request that I be pointed to share this story, and questions elsewhere if you happen to know where this might be more appropriate, and I thank you for reading. I just quit my job in a situation where I believe I was under duress. The situation is I requested PTO, and was told I have to work outside my availability for it to be approved. When I pushed back and stated I cannot work outside the days I'm already signed up to work, it was repeated to me that I'd have to cover someone else's shift to get the PTO…

Let me preface that I'm not really in the know with reddit, and don't really belong to any serious reddits even where my main, and only other account is concerned. I don't know much about reddit etiquette, if anything at all. If this isn't the place for this, I kindly request that I be pointed to share this story, and questions elsewhere if you happen to know where this might be more appropriate, and I thank you for reading.

I just quit my job in a situation where I believe I was under duress.

The situation is I requested PTO, and was told I have to work outside my availability for it to be approved. When I pushed back and stated I cannot work outside the days I'm already signed up to work, it was repeated to me that I'd have to cover someone else's shift to get the PTO I've feel like I've earned. It was then brought to my attention that I have “open availability” in the software the company uses, which was implemented after I was hired, and had no knowledge of the fact. I was never given the opportunity prior to the interaction to adjust my availability with the company. I then stated regardless of PTO being approved, I'd have to call out for the day that my PTO was requested.

This is where things got interesting as my boss told me that if I didn't show up that I would be written up. I said that's fine, and this agitated them more. My boss escalated the exchange and then claimed I wouldn't have a job if I didn't show up as a “No call no show” would be considered “voluntary termination.”

The comment was veiled as, “If you don't show up you won't have a job,” to which I replied, “I'm not quitting so you'll have to fire me.” They then clarified their veiled comment stating that they wouldn't be firing me, but I wouldn't have a job.

I then left the establishment, but returned minutes later to apologize, and tell them I quit.

So, my question is, how illegal is it for my boss to threaten me with falsifying voluntary termination?

The last caveat to this is all of this is recorded. The entire interaction is recorded on the companies cameras which also include audio. Everything in the building is recorded. There isn't any getting out of this for them if I have a course of action, and I want to take whatever course I can to ensure I receive my unemployment benefits, or otherwise.

Again, thanks for reading, and if this isn't the right place for this I'd love to get this where it needs to be.

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