
So I just spoke with my district manager, and I came to the conclusion I need to quit this job.

We hired a guy two months ago. Quit last week. Other guy quit as well. Put it shortly we are down to just five people. I work in the Trades. My pay is 13.50 an hour. A lot of cities in my state have raised the minimum wage to 15 an hour. Today our district manager arrived unannounced. Me and another co worker spoke and both agreed to talk with our district manager about our pay since our two managers just feed us bullshit about our pay. My back pay from a few months ago still hasn't touched my bank account. But we decided to speak with our DM about our pay rates, as the other guy we hired got an extra 4 dollars an hour than us, on top of being the worst employee we've seen here since last year, and quit less than two months in. So we…

We hired a guy two months ago. Quit last week. Other guy quit as well. Put it shortly we are down to just five people. I work in the Trades. My pay is 13.50 an hour.

A lot of cities in my state have raised the minimum wage to 15 an hour. Today our district manager arrived unannounced. Me and another co worker spoke and both agreed to talk with our district manager about our pay since our two managers just feed us bullshit about our pay. My back pay from a few months ago still hasn't touched my bank account. But we decided to speak with our DM about our pay rates, as the other guy we hired got an extra 4 dollars an hour than us, on top of being the worst employee we've seen here since last year, and quit less than two months in.

So we ask nicely to speak with him. He says sure, come over here. Our regular boss must've thought we was ratting him out for stealing time because he came rushing over trying to involve himself in the conversation. We didn't care, we're gonna speak up for ourselves (in a nice and courteous manner) whether our boss was around or not. So the first point I bring up to our DM is the rate of inflation compared to our wages which hasn't risen.

He then smirks and claims “Oh but they have.” I keep going on with my issues I wanted to discuss. I state that our state has plenty of cities which has risen the minimum wage to 15 an hour. I also discuss the fact that as a full time employee, working in the Trades, I shouldn't be going negative on my bank account at some point every month especially with my budgeting. I save 100x more than I spend. I pay all my own bills. My DM has been grinning the whole time like it's a joke. I bring up how I've been loyal to the company and I've put in plenty of hard hours at 110% effort for almost a year now. And he lets out a tiny laugh right to my face. What a fucking joke. Then says some shit like “I'll see what I can do, usually before you move up in this line of work you need two years experience.”

Then my regular boss I mentioned earlier chimes in and says “Remember our conversation from last week? Your generation always wants something to happen now, you kids need to learn to be patient.” Etc. What kind of shit is that. I've worked here for 9 months, and I've outperformed all of my peers at my same level with several years experience. I'm not looking for something instant. I've put the fucking hours and effort in and now I need to see results. But I'm currently on the clock on my phone applying for other jobs.

He might as well of spit in my face and told me to fuck off. Have fun being even more understaffed than you guys already are. That will be your issue to deal with, which could've been avoided have you saw what was coming in the first place. Treat me as a person as well. Don't look down on me as your pawn because you make 100k+ and I make 20k. No wonder half of our team has already quit.

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