
So many things wrong with my new job

I’m not anti work per say and this is my first post in this sub but this new job experience really grinds my gears. This is a long one but here goes, I’ve edited out some minor details to make it “short” enough to post here. So a new restaurant opened in my town and since it was in the same building I had worked in 3 years prior I decided to reach out and ask if there were any jobs available. A woman responded and asked me to come in to “discuss positions available” and so I did yesterday. I got there around 2:30pm and went to speak with the woman. I sat down and was asked about my prior job experience, which I told her I had worked at 3 different restaurants and landscaped for my father (mind you I’m only 19 so my resume is not huge).…

I’m not anti work per say and this is my first post in this sub but this new job experience really grinds my gears. This is a long one but here goes, I’ve edited out some minor details to make it “short” enough to post here. So a new restaurant opened in my town and since it was in the same building I had worked in 3 years prior I decided to reach out and ask if there were any jobs available. A woman responded and asked me to come in to “discuss positions available” and so I did yesterday. I got there around 2:30pm and went to speak with the woman. I sat down and was asked about my prior job experience, which I told her I had worked at 3 different restaurants and landscaped for my father (mind you I’m only 19 so my resume is not huge). I was then handed all the employee paperwork which I filled out promptly and handed back to her. She then turned around and told one of the chefs I was hired. He asked me if I could work that same day which I then agreed to, he said I would be dishwashing which I was okay with as I had done it before but only in a small seafood take-out. During the extremely brief meeting I wasn’t trained nor told how much I would be paid, what jobs were available, or anything else about the restaurant/positions. I didn’t realize that I would be starting instantly, like literally 10 minutes after I got there, so I wasn’t able to go home and change/get prepared for the night ahead (rip my white ultraboosts). I followed the chef downstairs and he “showed” me how to clock in, but really I was just clocking in. After that he led me to the back shed to get a shirt and apron, and then left me in there to find my way back to the dishwashing station. Luckily there was another dishwasher there and she was super kind and showed me how to do everything. I got to work and it was a breeze, up until 7:30pm when the other dishwasher clocked out. Then it was up to me to separately clean and put away the entirety of dishes, cups and cookware/kitchen stuff during the closing shift (when the restaurant is at its busiest). They usually operate on having 2+ dishwashers at night so it’s literally impossible to do everything by yourself during this time. Ironically the other dishwasher was out because he cut his finger while washing and it got infected. The dishes just kept piling and piling while the bussers and chefs paid no mind to placing them in a way that would make it easier for me. Since I couldn’t keep up by myself, people in the kitchen noticed and started coming in to help me, I still don’t know if that was by their own free will or if they were told to. Even with all the help we weren’t getting anywhere on time because all the dirty stuff was piled mindlessly across the extremely small space. That’s one thing I forgot to mention, the dish pit here is tiny. There’s two sinks, 2 counters, 2 washing machines and one shelf all smushed into the space of an office cubicle. Anyways now that you have somewhat of a picture in your mind, you can probably understand how easily cluttered it can get. On this night dishes and water/other liquids, sauces and foods were overflowing onto the floor which left me standing in a thin layer of nastiness and we didn’t even have slip mats to protect me from slipping and bashing my face into the sinks, counters or sharp objects surrounding me. With 3 or 4 people in this one space it was beyond overwhelming, I was being told to “stop rinsing stuff that much” before putting it in the machine and when stuff came out dirty the blame was on me. The people “helping” me were also constantly announcing how tired they were and that they wanted to go home, but so did I and what else could I have done to make them go home sooner? It was literally my first day on the job after being interviewed 8 hours before. By the time we were done it was around 10pm, I was “told same time tomorrow”, clocked out, got home and immediately fell asleep. I woke up this morning and texted who I assume to be the manager (the woman I talked to for the interview) and asked her if I was working the same time today and she texted back “2p” so I was like okay I guess that means 2pm even though I was told to come in at the same time as yesterday which would’ve been 2:40 and heard nothing since then. I drove there and got to work with the same woman I worked alongside yesterday, everything was going great but some time around 5 is when my chronic back pain started flaring up. Chronic back pain is a term thrown around loosely but I genuinely have a really bad lower back and it leaves me with intense pain and movement debilitation at its worst, I’ve gone to the ER in the middle of the night because I had an excruciating back spasm and fell off my couch and couldn’t get up so I had to crawl up the stairs where my mom had to basically pick me up and drag me into the car. Knowing how bad it can get I was on edge working in such a demanding job where I’m always on my feet. I pushed through and then at some point when it just kept getting worse I went to talk to the “manager” upstairs in the office and couldn’t find her so I spoke to another woman and she just told me to sit for 5-10 minutes up there while she brought me advil, which I guess she never found and forgot I was up there. So after 10 minutes I went back to dishwashing while constantly stretching, twisting and punching my back (yes that actually helps me). I pushed through the work again but at some point it was just too much pain to bear, so I went to find the “manager” again and I told her my back was really acting up and that I didn’t know if I could last the night without seriously hurting myself. She told me “ok give me just a second” and because the restaurant was ridiculously busy, I expected her to come back and talk to me an hour went by and she never did. Around 8:30 I had to call it quits and went to find her again, but she just walked right past me so I talked to the advil woman from before. I told her I had to be done for the night and that I was really sorry because they were so understaffed. She basically was just like “Okay go home but what are you gonna do to be able to come back in tomorrow, you are scheduled to come in tomorrow right?” And I responded with “nobody ever talked to me about a schedule, I was just given the job with no other information” and so she turned around to the chef and told him that and he being the nicest guy I’ve met there yet told me “just do what you can to get yourself better and let us know tomorrow”. I clocked out and drove straight back to my house to write this. I really want to quit but I’ve only been there 2 days. Thank you to those who have read this. I really needed to get this off my chest in a community that is sympathetic to bad job experiences.

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