
So my boss is making me come to work with covid

On Monday, I took two home tests because I wasn’t feeling well, I have been fortunate enough to avoid getting covid through the entire pandemic but on this particular day I was at work and just could t get right everything hurt, I felt like my head was floating away from my body it was 89 degrees out but I had the best cranked up on my car. I knew something wasn’t right and so did my crew, so I went home. I took a home covid test and it came back positive, I then took a 2nd home test and it also came back positive. I informed my boss and setup an appointment to get a test through the pharmacy. He later texted me and told me to cancel my appointment, to come into work, not tell anyone I have covid and just work from my car and don’t…

On Monday, I took two home tests because I wasn’t feeling well, I have been fortunate enough to avoid getting covid through the entire pandemic but on this particular day I was at work and just could t get right everything hurt, I felt like my head was floating away from my body it was 89 degrees out but I had the best cranked up on my car. I knew something wasn’t right and so did my crew, so I went home. I took a home covid test and it came back positive, I then took a 2nd home test and it also came back positive. I informed my boss and setup an appointment to get a test through the pharmacy. He later texted me and told me to cancel my appointment, to come into work, not tell anyone I have covid and just work from my car and don’t let anyone get near me.

I ignored canceling the pharmacy one because my father has heart complications and is a bit older and I needed to know without a doubt for his sake (The test also came back positive) – anyways I told my boss there’s nothing I can accomplish from my car that I can’t accomplish from my home when it comes to work.

So, I worked all week from home despite feeling like absolute crap – just so this guy didn’t have to cover down. Then he calls me yesterday and tells me I need to be on the job site tomorrow, that if he had covid he would just suck it up, pop his meds and come to work.

I get covid is turning into some political nonsense that I have no interest in debating. I know I genuinely still don’t feel well as it’s only day 4 of my positive test result and I don’t really know what to do with this

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