
So sick of big corporations using their employees like leeches so they can profit while they laugh in our faces

I work in the financial industry. I’ve worked in it for seven years now but at my current job for four. I had to get a lot of qualifications/licensing/etc for this job. When they offered me the base salary it was a laughing joke for all the qualifications and experience I have. Not to mention I speak three languages. But had no extra pay for that either. To them you can make good money with sales and hard work pays off. The first few years it did. But then COVID hit and obviously affected my line of work. After that and every year they continue to take away things we would get paid for to make us work even harder for less money. Last year, then proceeded this year with a BIG pay cut. I’m making about 20-30k less than I did last year with changes. I barely make enough…

I work in the financial industry. I’ve worked in it for seven years now but at my current job for four. I had to get a lot of qualifications/licensing/etc for this job. When they offered me the base salary it was a laughing joke for all the qualifications and experience I have. Not to mention I speak three languages. But had no extra pay for that either.

To them you can make good money with sales and hard work pays off. The first few years it did. But then COVID hit and obviously affected my line of work. After that and every year they continue to take away things we would get paid for to make us work even harder for less money. Last year, then proceeded this year with a BIG pay cut. I’m making about 20-30k less than I did last year with changes. I barely make enough to live and it’s so sad this is how the world is now and no one gets paid enough for to what we do. I’ve worked so hard all my life and I feel like I work to live and just do it all over again.

I’m also the youngest by far and I get treated different for that. I almost even wanted to report my boss for discrimination cause I can always tell I’m not her favorite. I had some mental health issues in 2020 and took fmla leave for a month to work on it. I could tell she hated me after and treated me very different. Would have an attitude. Call me out in front of the entire staff for shit everyone does. At one point I had enough and asked her why does she treat me different and is she pissed that I took a month off under FMLA which protects my job. She instantly changed after that cause my company takes that shit serious. All that stuff is handled by a third party to be fair.

Now this year is the worse. I can deff tell I’m not her favorite employee. Now the next few months they want us to work 50+ hours a week, 6 days a week when we’re only supposed to work 40 hours. No breaks, no lunches. Due to the demand of new clients but not get paid for it. I’m so sick of it. I haven’t quit yet cause there’s room for me to move when I’m ready but at this point I’ll never be able to live comfortably without joint income or a major raise. Which will never happen. I’m exhausted every day.

And maybe im just talking shit.

But it’s so crazy how we work so much. Come home to prepare to do that shit again. Wake up and do it all over again. This isn’t how life should be

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