
So this exchange just happened. The owner has a Bentley, a Tesla and a Lamborghini and alternates between them, which seems relevant.

Manager: Hey, so there's been a problem with the pay software, so we can't pay you this fortnight, but don't worry! You'll be paid in full next pay period. Me: Oh. That's too bad. I guess you'd better take me off the roster for the next two weeks, then. Manager: What? But I need you to drive! You can't take 2 weeks off on a day's notice! Me: There's literally enough fuel in my car to get home tonight and back into work in the morning. What do you suggest I do? Manager: Well why don't you budget better? Me: …um… I budget fine, but you know how budgets work, right? You balance money coming in with money going out. If there's no money coming in, there can't be money going out. Manager: Well what about your savings? Me: My savings? After COVID? After the floods that meant we didn't…

Manager: Hey, so there's been a problem with the pay software, so we can't pay you this fortnight, but don't worry! You'll be paid in full next pay period.

Me: Oh. That's too bad. I guess you'd better take me off the roster for the next two weeks, then.

Manager: What? But I need you to drive! You can't take 2 weeks off on a day's notice!

Me: There's literally enough fuel in my car to get home tonight and back into work in the morning. What do you suggest I do?

Manager: Well why don't you budget better?

Me: …um… I budget fine, but you know how budgets work, right? You balance money coming in with money going out. If there's no money coming in, there can't be money going out.

Manager: Well what about your savings?

Me: My savings? After COVID? After the floods that meant we didn't work for a week?

Manager: Well can't you borrow some money from someone?

Me: I don't know, I'll check… so hey, can I borrow some money?

Manager: Don't be ridiculous! I can't just lend money to all the drivers any time they're short!

Me: Oh. That's too bad. I guess you'd better take me off the roster for the next two weeks, then.

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