
So, what happens if we all just stop paying for our healthcare costs?

Healthcare costs have gotten out of control in this country because of scumbag insurance middlemen. I guess my question is what would the outcome be for everyone if we collectively decided to just…. Not pay our bills? If a Facebook group can make raiding Area 51 a national phenomenon, I don’t see why we can’t use social media to influence a payment strike on the industry. Most people can’t pay thousands of dollars for their bills anyways and I feel like not spending money on healthcare, which is something almost everyone in this county agrees is predatory, would be easy to convince people to do regardless of political affiliation. The big thing that will scare people is a ding on their credit, but if a good portion of Americans are willing to take a bad mark on their credit report it could shake things up.

Healthcare costs have gotten out of control in this country because of scumbag insurance middlemen. I guess my question is what would the outcome be for everyone if we collectively decided to just…. Not pay our bills?

If a Facebook group can make raiding Area 51 a national phenomenon, I don’t see why we can’t use social media to influence a payment strike on the industry.

Most people can’t pay thousands of dollars for their bills anyways and I feel like not spending money on healthcare, which is something almost everyone in this county agrees is predatory, would be easy to convince people to do regardless of political affiliation.

The big thing that will scare people is a ding on their credit, but if a good portion of Americans are willing to take a bad mark on their credit report it could shake things up.

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