
So when I’m sick no one is on call to cover for ME, but I have to cover when someone else calls out? Right.

Yesterday I was feeling nauseous, sick to my stomach, and my head was a little foggy. I tried to stick it out at work for a couple hours, but I really felt like I needed to go home and rest. I stared a new medication and the first day I took it made me really sick. So I messaged the person in charge of call outs and said “Hey I know I’m already here but I am feeling on the verge of vomiting and I’m really dizzy, and I think I need to go home. Is there anyone to cover?” On our schedule people are sometimes scheduled to be “on call”, which basically means that between 5am-10am (unpaid, of course) you have to be available to cover if someone calls out. My coworker messaged me back saying “I apologize for the inconvenience but there is no one on the schedule…

Yesterday I was feeling nauseous, sick to my stomach, and my head was a little foggy. I tried to stick it out at work for a couple hours, but I really felt like I needed to go home and rest. I stared a new medication and the first day I took it made me really sick. So I messaged the person in charge of call outs and said “Hey I know I’m already here but I am feeling on the verge of vomiting and I’m really dizzy, and I think I need to go home. Is there anyone to cover?”

On our schedule people are sometimes scheduled to be “on call”, which basically means that between 5am-10am (unpaid, of course) you have to be available to cover if someone calls out.

My coworker messaged me back saying “I apologize for the inconvenience but there is no one on the schedule to co et so I’m going to need you to stay.”

Looking back I should have just left but idk if it was spite, my deep seeded fear of failure, or a mixture of the two, but I buckled down and I stayed. This is the SECOND time when I’ve had to call out. Both times were for legitimate reasons and both times were the first days in weeks no one was scheduled on call and I was unable to stay home.

That’s not the part that gets me the most upset though. The next day, today, I MYSELF was scheduled on call. I was hoping I wouldn’t be called in so I could have time to rest. But last night at 8 o clock she told me I had to go in the next morning. I was PISSED.

I cried a little then sucked it up. This morning I felt even worse than yesterday and I was slow and getting things mixed up all day because I was so nauseous. On top of that I ended up working a 10 hour shift instead of 8.

I’m upset that when I need someone to help miserable there’s no one for me, but the NEXT Day they need ME. To cover

Searching for a new job as we speak

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