
Solved: Untrackable mouse mover for idle tracking

First, I'm not lazy. I work for an organization that tracks our idle time and I have a boss that will randomly video call me if they see I'm idle “too often” throughout the day. I literally can't take a dump or make a cup of coffee without having to take my laptop with me so I can touch the mouse every few minutes. These were both things I could do without issue at the office. I had heard rumor that our IT department was cracking down on people using the mouse jiggler – apparently they found a way to track that. So I got creative and found a way to MOVE THE MOUSE WITHOUT BEING TRACKED. Basic setup was a $15 fan from Walmart, a 1/2″ wide flat steel bar from the hardware store, an old lunch meat container, some duct tape, and a rock. I put the container…

First, I'm not lazy. I work for an organization that tracks our idle time and I have a boss that will randomly video call me if they see I'm idle “too often” throughout the day. I literally can't take a dump or make a cup of coffee without having to take my laptop with me so I can touch the mouse every few minutes. These were both things I could do without issue at the office.

I had heard rumor that our IT department was cracking down on people using the mouse jiggler – apparently they found a way to track that. So I got creative and found a way to MOVE THE MOUSE WITHOUT BEING TRACKED.

Basic setup was a $15 fan from Walmart, a 1/2″ wide flat steel bar from the hardware store, an old lunch meat container, some duct tape, and a rock.

I put the container over the mouse and bent the flat bar to lay across the top, go up, and then lay across the top of the fan. I duct taped it to the container and to the fan to hold it in place. I ended up having to get a tick to add some weight to the container as it wasn't enough downward force to keep the mouse from pooping out. I keep it on the lowest setting to prevent it from getting too hot since the blades aren't attached.

Now I can finally step away from the computer for more than 5 minutes when I need to. Yay! I hope this helps someone else too.

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