
some more advise please! work harassment

i work in a fast food chicken place in the midwest/fuck it-iowa. i posted around last week about getting bullied by a couple of high school brothers and reporting them to hr. hr seems to have sorted it out between me, them and the gm. (though, for some reason, i feel like they never checked the security tapes. we have cameras pointed at the chicken cooler and in the main cooler that would have seen and heard everything perfectly. i don't know why everyone had to be interviewed by hr and the gm.) the gm said that if they fuck around with me again they will be thrown out. but she was definitely more concerned about productivity/them wasting product than me being harassed. now, i can't recall when this week's schedule went out, but i only worked 15 hours this week instead of my usual 20 (i'm also a college…

i work in a fast food chicken place in the midwest/fuck it-iowa.

i posted around last week about getting bullied by a couple of high school brothers and reporting them to hr. hr seems to have sorted it out between me, them and the gm. (though, for some reason, i feel like they never checked the security tapes. we have cameras pointed at the chicken cooler and in the main cooler that would have seen and heard everything perfectly. i don't know why everyone had to be interviewed by hr and the gm.) the gm said that if they fuck around with me again they will be thrown out. but she was definitely more concerned about productivity/them wasting product than me being harassed.

now, i can't recall when this week's schedule went out, but i only worked 15 hours this week instead of my usual 20 (i'm also a college student, so 20 is enough). ok, maybe it's just because we're finally slowing down a bit after the grand opening shenanigans. still, that's 5 less hours on my next paycheck you know? now, this week's (mon-sun) schedule just posted and i only work 14 hours on it. wtf?

is it happening? am i a burden/an annoyance/a tattletale/a whatever-the-fuck? are they trying to get me to quit so they don't have to deal with an unemployment claim? or is my anxiety disorder getting the better of me? you guys have seen loads of examples of ppl quitting for this. so have i, but i don't trust myself. what are the signs? have i seen them all? is it time to make them fire me so i can collect what little unemployment is left after our illustrious governor fucked it over?

also, i will be alerting the health inspector. our shit is out of control. mess everywhere. food buckets/containers prepped on the floor, raw chicken dishes thrown in with the regular dishes, not enough sanitizer buckets to go around, no dedicated dishwasher, no one fucking cleans at night, no one ever cleans the damn bathrooms, etc. (teenagers, and not the a/b students either. can't wait for them to go back to school. if i last that long…)

ugh, sorry for the rant. i just need to vent somewhere. thanks for reading.

tldr: talked to hr about harassment, now i think the gm is trying to get me to quit. plus, i'm gonna sic the health inspector on the place.

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