
Some shitty things about my job

We aren’t allowed to eat or drink water while working. For context: I’m a shopper so basically I get customers groceries for them. I never heard of something like this and it didn’t make sense because I would always see managers and upper management walking around with coffee. Over time people complained about it so they had everyone sign a paper agreeing to it We don’t have the tools to do our job effectively. We use these small scanning devices to check off items in orders. In my department we have maybe 3 that work and even those have their problems (random reboot, connection issues, or simply won’t charge). We let higher ups know and they refuse to do anything about it because the devices are “too expensive” (allegedly $3000). Also we’re lack enough of them. There have been a good amount of days in which I come into work…

We aren’t allowed to eat or drink water while working.

For context: I’m a shopper so basically I get customers groceries for them. I never heard of something like this and it didn’t make sense because I would always see managers and upper management walking around with coffee. Over time people complained about it so they had everyone sign a paper agreeing to it

We don’t have the tools to do our job effectively.

We use these small scanning devices to check off items in orders. In my department we have maybe 3 that work and even those have their problems (random reboot, connection issues, or simply won’t charge). We let higher ups know and they refuse to do anything about it because the devices are “too expensive” (allegedly $3000). Also we’re lack enough of them. There have been a good amount of days in which I come into work and I have to go searching around the store to see if another day might have an extra device for me to do my job. There’s been a few times where the first hour or so of my shift is spent just doing that

Sanitation is non existent

Of course as a supermarket it’s clean enough for people to shop, how else would they make money. For the first 6 months of working here we had birds living in the store. I would often see them eating the produce. I asked coworkers about it and everyone knew but no one cared

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