
Someone explain this to me.

Bare with me this is long. So a few days ago I was at work watching people in a pit as I do confined space for nuclear power. Basically our job is to make sure the people in the pit have good air measurements and are safe as they work. Now I’m fully alert usually and I wasn’t sleepy. But I felt my co worker tap my shoulder. So I see her and told her how many people were in the current pit. The thing is she told me I was asleep. Im confused because I thought I was awake the entire time. I don’t remember having fell asleep. So she tells me I was in a deep sleep. And was openly annoyed. So I get called in to the office and my boss shows me a picture of me hunched over asleep. So being asleep on this type of…

Bare with me this is long.
So a few days ago I was at work watching people in a pit as I do confined space for nuclear power. Basically our job is to make sure the people in the pit have good air measurements and are safe as they work. Now I’m fully alert usually and I wasn’t sleepy. But I felt my co worker tap my shoulder. So I see her and told her how many people were in the current pit. The thing is she told me I was asleep. Im confused because I thought I was awake the entire time. I don’t remember having fell asleep. So she tells me I was in a deep sleep. And was openly annoyed.
So I get called in to the office and my boss shows me a picture of me hunched over asleep. So being asleep on this type of job is an immediate fire. And that if one of us messes up we ALL get fired. So I’m freaking out inside because I love my job.

The next day my boss told me to come in early trying to figure out how long the project lasts. My boss gets news the project lasts till May. They’re all excited about how long they get to work. And talk about how much money they’re making etc. I’m thinking in my head (I’m not going to be here for any of that so I don’t understand are they keeping their jobs?)

So my boss goes on to say how much shit I caused by falling asleep pretty much the rest of the week passed by where she’s reminding me how much trouble I’m in. And how everyone is gonna get in trouble because of me. I felt horrible. Her and my coworker was just going on about how good they’re gonna have it. So at this point I’m thinking okay I understand I’m the one getting fired. Understandable

So now it’s Monday and the head boss is in and my boss says she’s gonna talk to her about my failure on the job and I messaged my boss a few hours ago to let her know I accept any punishment and anything I caused I apologize and thank them for the opportunity. And basically telling her that I know me falling asleep was unacceptable. And I told her if I was going to be fired I hoped it was just me and no one else as it was my fault I fell asleep even if I didn’t remember sleeping. I put peoples lives at risk.

She just texted me back this.

I don’t know what’s going to happen. I can’t worry about the right now.

You texting me at noon shows me your up and not sleeping. I sleep until 330 or 4 when I’m on night shift. That is what you should be doing.

Your going to continue to fall asleep at work if you don’t sleep.

I will see you at work by 545 please.

So someone please explain this to me.
Side note. I have insomnia. My body don’t let me sleep until it does. They know this And I tried sleeping but was so worried about this I couldn’t. Idk If I should even go in at this point. Just feel fucking horrible.

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