
Someone please give me an honest answer because no one else is: “What is the point of working if we can’t even get a living wage from said job”

All my life I've been fed bull shit from boomers who say stuff like “That's just how the world is.” or “Those people should have done better in life then.” Yes, they are more on the privileged side of life and really fail to see how that if someone is suffering with poverty or living paycheck to paycheck, that sometimes life happens and circumstances out of that person's power is just basically making life suck for them. However, my parents are still the type of people who tell everyone around them and myself that “We should just get a better job and stop complaining because you need to earn a living.”

All my life I've been fed bull shit from boomers who say stuff like “That's just how the world is.” or “Those people should have done better in life then.”

Yes, they are more on the privileged side of life and really fail to see how that if someone is suffering with poverty or living paycheck to paycheck, that sometimes life happens and circumstances out of that person's power is just basically making life suck for them.

However, my parents are still the type of people who tell everyone around them and myself that “We should just get a better job and stop complaining because you need to earn a living.”

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