
Something I don’t understand.

I'm 18 years old. And recently just had the same old lecture of “life's not about X or X. You're not living if you're not struggling.” Etc Etc. Now I understand that life is not all sunshine and ponies shitting everywhere or whatever. But I don't understand the mindset that the younger generation doesnt know how to live when they dont have kids to take care of or whatever. It's like trying to guilt trip me into thinking that I'm living life on easy mode because I didnt make a stupid choice and had a kid while in high school. I don't know. They say that there's an over abundance of jobs compared to people wanting to work. That must be a fucking lie. I've put it job applications where I can, yet, only heard from one company, the rest have been radio silent. Sounds like they arent as desperate…

I'm 18 years old. And recently just had the same old lecture of “life's not about X or X. You're not living if you're not struggling.” Etc Etc.

Now I understand that life is not all sunshine and ponies shitting everywhere or whatever. But I don't understand the mindset that the younger generation doesnt know how to live when they dont have kids to take care of or whatever.

It's like trying to guilt trip me into thinking that I'm living life on easy mode because I didnt make a stupid choice and had a kid while in high school. I don't know.

They say that there's an over abundance of jobs compared to people wanting to work. That must be a fucking lie. I've put it job applications where I can, yet, only heard from one company, the rest have been radio silent. Sounds like they arent as desperate as everyone makes it out to be.

I'm kinda getting tired of hearing the same shit over and over again from older people. I would love to say “Yea that's cool that you worked 200 jobs at once when you were my age and bought a house by the time you were 19 but guess what? Even if I work 2 jobs, I'll still barely be able to afford to live on my own, that's if I can get hired in the first damn place.” (I live in California)

It really seems that alot of the older generations are completely blind to what it's like being someone who just graduated school and can't even snag a job. Maybe cause they had an economic system that helped them more than the current system does. But what do I know, I'm an 18 year old with no work experience.

I know this sounds like I'm just rambling but it is starting to get frustrating to hear the same shit over and over again. Yes I understand I have to work to live, I'm not a fucking idiot. They love to say we have it easier. I can't even get a job at a fucking fast food chain. I want to start working, but fucking hell it's utter bullshit.

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