
something i tell all my friends who are looking for work

you're better off dead than working at Walmart. this company is a shit show im telling you. an employee followed a cashier home, and then when reported, told another employee he's gonna “show her who she messed with”… so, a threat. y'know, the thing that's supposed to be taken seriously by the company? yeah, fast forward 3 months, the asshole is still working here and 4+ employees have quit because of him. Walmart is literal hell, and you're better off dead than giving them the time of day. x

you're better off dead than working at Walmart. this company is a shit show im telling you.

an employee followed a cashier home, and then when reported, told another employee he's gonna “show her who she messed with”… so, a threat. y'know, the thing that's supposed to be taken seriously by the company?

yeah, fast forward 3 months, the asshole is still working here and 4+ employees have quit because of him.

Walmart is literal hell, and you're better off dead than giving them the time of day.


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