
Something newcomers don’t understand about anti-work. You can be anti-work and Republican.

Identity politics of Red vs Blue is irrelevant to the topics of anti-work. Anti-work is about culture at the local level. It's about the over-population, humanitarian crisis where smart and able-bodied people have fewer and fewer good jobs being created and available to them. Red and Blue both fall victim to rewarding their largest financial supporters first and being first focused on engineering ways to continue to remain in power, leaving the little guy to fend for themselves. What got us here, won't get us there. Red and Blue have both gotten too big to get us to a better place. They both try to please everyone, so now they can't please anyone. So it's up to you to create your own destiny. Edit : Starting point of discussion here should be that red states are incentivized to drum up voter participation by any means possible to get representation in…

Identity politics of Red vs Blue is irrelevant to the topics of anti-work.
Anti-work is about culture at the local level. It's about the over-population, humanitarian crisis where smart and able-bodied people have fewer and fewer good jobs being created and available to them. Red and Blue both fall victim to rewarding their largest financial supporters first and being first focused on engineering ways to continue to remain in power, leaving the little guy to fend for themselves. What got us here, won't get us there. Red and Blue have both gotten too big to get us to a better place. They both try to please everyone, so now they can't please anyone. So it's up to you to create your own destiny.

Edit : Starting point of discussion here should be that red states are incentivized to drum up voter participation by any means possible to get representation in how Federal and State tax revenue is redistributed. Most red areas are net takers (for every $1 of tax that is redistributed to them, they put in less than $1). If it looks like socialism, but is called by a different name, is it not still socialism?

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