
Sorry if this is annoying, or posted in the wrong place, but I need someone with a similar mindset to see this.

I’m sorry if this isn’t the right place to post this, but I’m new to reddit. (I’ve been a lurker on antiwork for years, but I’m not familiar with using the site to post stuff yet). I really just need to get this frustration out of my mind and nobody irl that I know seems to see this situation my way. For context, I’m a 22 year old guy in the American south who’s been consistently working since I was out of high school up until relatively recently when I had a mental break and decided to quit to be able to experience life. This was back in October of last year. I withdrew my 401k that I was able to live off of and stretch out over the span of around 7 months. I didn’t really want to return to work, but I had to back in May. I…

I’m sorry if this isn’t the right place to post this, but I’m new to reddit. (I’ve been a lurker on antiwork for years, but I’m not familiar with using the site to post stuff yet). I really just need to get this frustration out of my mind and nobody irl that I know seems to see this situation my way. For context, I’m a 22 year old guy in the American south who’s been consistently working since I was out of high school up until relatively recently when I had a mental break and decided to quit to be able to experience life. This was back in October of last year. I withdrew my 401k that I was able to live off of and stretch out over the span of around 7 months. I didn’t really want to return to work, but I had to back in May. I got a job at a local towing company because a friend of mine worked there and convinced me it was a good opportunity. I didn’t mind the job really. The company only towed vehicles for common roadside issues for the various insurance companies, so we didn’t deal with any wrecks or repos that would put us in danger of serious physical harm. That said, there were some concerning policies this company had/has that I could not justify to myself enough to work there. Namely, the fact that employees were expected to pay for damages to customer vehicles and company trucks incurred on our jobs. Basically, the owner of the company doesn’t want to go through insurance companies for this because they’d raise his rates if any damage did occur, so instead he steals money out of his employees checks to cover the cost of any repairs to company trucks or customer vehicles. When this was explained to me, after I had already started working, I was made incredibly uncomfortable and was constantly worried about causing any level of damage to a vehicle because even the smallest of repairs could see me lose weeks of pay. I just wasn’t comfortable with that environment so I quit after working there for about a week and a half. They refused to pay me for my time there, and this has put me in an incredibly awful economic situation to day the least since I had to pay for gas, food, tools, etc for this job and Ispent the majority of the remainder of my savings on these things because I was under the impression that I was going to be paid. That isn’t even really the worst part though. I can deal with a rich asshole screwing me over. The aspect of this that really eats at my soul is the fact that my friends who work at that company see my actions as unreasonable and they refuse to let me explain that the owner is a worthless piece of shit for what he did to me. I really don’t understand how people can be that loyal to a business. I’ve never felt any sense of loyalty to the owner of any business I’ve worked for. In my eyes they’re all parasites regardless, but this company is a particularly awful example of this and it hurts me deeply to know that my friends who work there look at me as a lazy bum for quitting rather than “sticking it out” and running the risk of causing some minor damage to someone’s vehicle and becoming a debt slave as a result. Apparently that practice is ok in the eyes of most people. I didn’t really have a plan in writing this, but I’d like to know what other people think about this situation. I’m happy to give more specific details if y’all want more context, excepting of course compromising personal details. Thanks for reading. Knowing that other people are aware of this situation is therapeutic in itself.

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