
Sorry You’re Sad, Now Get Back to Work

So I’ve heard it said that (in the US especially) psychiatry/psychology is the good cop of capitalism, seeing as the primary goal of these services appears to be to get people back into the economy to be good little producers whether through pharmaceuticals or professional gaslighting (it’s not so bad, here are some coping mechanism, etc). The bad cops of capitalism being all the institutions (including actual cops) that make it necessary to work through abusive conditions and/or with disabilities and mental illness. I wonder what this sub has to say about this idea?

So I’ve heard it said that (in the US especially) psychiatry/psychology is the good cop of capitalism, seeing as the primary goal of these services appears to be to get people back into the economy to be good little producers whether through pharmaceuticals or professional gaslighting (it’s not so bad, here are some coping mechanism, etc). The bad cops of capitalism being all the institutions (including actual cops) that make it necessary to work through abusive conditions and/or with disabilities and mental illness. I wonder what this sub has to say about this idea?

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