
Sowing the Seeds of Discord

Deciding to put my official two weeks in at my current position. Overworked, not treated as a human, belittled, thrown under bus constantly so people can stay on the bosses good side. In the meantime I decided to ask a few coworkers mostly newer to the practice how much they were making. Turns out vastly different amounts not based on experience. Yeah, they weren't happy to hear that. I predict he's going to have some raise requests or ads out for hiring very soon.

Deciding to put my official two weeks in at my current position. Overworked, not treated as a human, belittled, thrown under bus constantly so people can stay on the bosses good side. In the meantime I decided to ask a few coworkers mostly newer to the practice how much they were making. Turns out vastly different amounts not based on experience. Yeah, they weren't happy to hear that.

I predict he's going to have some raise requests or ads out for hiring very soon.

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