
Spent money and an entire day hopping around 3 different busses to get to a ‘career expo’

I wasted time and energy as a disabled person, caused more damage to my body to turn up at 3pm to see a room full of people chucking around boxes when the Event page lied they were going to 6pm (I have a witness to confirm as we did have to physically eyeball this info multiple times to find out how to get to the fucking place. I will not be accepting any gaslighting in the comments, sorry). Fucked if I know if the event even existed in the first place because we saw jack shit evidence of it. And then they call people like us 'lazy' when they can't even fucking turn up when we go out of our fucking way to break our backs specieally for them, then BAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW when they 'can't find staff'. Put your glasses on, boomer. Your staff turned up, where were you? What 'labour…

I wasted time and energy as a disabled person, caused more damage to my body to turn up at 3pm to see a room full of people chucking around boxes when the Event page lied they were going to 6pm (I have a witness to confirm as we did have to physically eyeball this info multiple times to find out how to get to the fucking place. I will not be accepting any gaslighting in the comments, sorry). Fucked if I know if the event even existed in the first place because we saw jack shit evidence of it.

And then they call people like us 'lazy' when they can't even fucking turn up when we go out of our fucking way to break our backs specieally for them, then BAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW when they 'can't find staff'. Put your glasses on, boomer. Your staff turned up, where were you? What 'labour shortage'?

I've already wasted a decade, skipping meals multiple times a week to pay the overdraft from power bills, eating nothing but experience to 'get my foot in the door' working bottom of the barrel retail type jobs for free in industries I had jack shit interest in, that still wouldn't hire me in entry-level roles after years of experience because boomers kept feeding me porkies that this was how you get a paid job and this was how you got off the dole and out of survival mode.

I will no longer be wasting my time lying on my CV. I will just chuck it in the bin. I will no longer be wasting my days on job boards. I will no longer be looking at all. I will no longer be contributing to this Nazi economy. Want staff? Turn up to me yourself. Jump through MY hoops. I jumped through yours for a decade, where's the reward? Years of experience that make me overqualified to flip burgers, RSI that required cancer meds to fix and no money. I'm asking for as much as min wage here. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out how to get my work, should it?

I don't have any energy or resources left to jump through fucking hoops just to get hired. If this is how you treat potential staff you deserve your taxes being bludged off. Hand me your taxes so I can sit on my bum all day watching Netflix and playing Minecraft or pay me to turn up. PICK ONE.

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