
Spooky halloween story

I applied to a well known halloween store because i thought itd be fun and with my job i had weekdays free. Instantly got hired. They told me to come in for an in person interview to confirm so i did, and they didnt interview or talk to me at all. Instead they immediately put me to work. I was wearing heels. My fault i guess, but i didnt think id be sitting on the floor organizing costume makeup. I thought i was just meeting people or something. Not the biggest issue but it was an inconvenient get up. Anyway, after a few days they said the store would be open soon. Three weeks pass, and in that time i got a different (fantastic amazing i am so lucky) job. They then release the schedule. Over a month since being hired, three weeks of waiting for a schedule, and literally…

I applied to a well known halloween store because i thought itd be fun and with my job i had weekdays free. Instantly got hired. They told me to come in for an in person interview to confirm so i did, and they didnt interview or talk to me at all. Instead they immediately put me to work.

I was wearing heels. My fault i guess, but i didnt think id be sitting on the floor organizing costume makeup. I thought i was just meeting people or something. Not the biggest issue but it was an inconvenient get up.

Anyway, after a few days they said the store would be open soon. Three weeks pass, and in that time i got a different (fantastic amazing i am so lucky) job. They then release the schedule. Over a month since being hired, three weeks of waiting for a schedule, and literally 4 people get 40hrs a week and everyone else is listed as “available” while receiving no hours. Those 4 people are all best friends and made the schedule together.

I was glad i had gotten a different job. But they never paid me. I contacted the manager and they said i needed to pay them to mail it to me because they didnt have stamps. i was required to provide bank info for direct deposit to get the job in the first place.

It has been since mid august and no payment, they said it was finally mailed over a week ago but havent received it.

How do i get paid and how do i confirm they dont have my bank info on file? Idk what theyd do with it but im uncomfortable with them having my bank info if they apparently arent gonna use it to pay me.

Also im an idiot but not that dumb. They only have direct deposit info

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