
Spreading Awareness

What are some ways I could spread awareness to my community. Awareness that we are wage slaves, that we live in poverty not because we dont work hard enough but due to the greed of the wealthy. That it's the wealthiest fault that we live pay check to pay check. I'm 22, I didn't think I would ever be in this position. I hate politics. The one thing I haven't done yet is vote and that's I'm going to do. One of the biggest problems I feel we face with this is that so many people dont realize the the United States is basically an oligarchy now. Yes, the Great United States. If nothing changes, the near future is gonna be looking very grim for regular folkes. I don't know what to do. I want to move out but they basically got me financially imprisoned. It's nearly impossible for me…

What are some ways I could spread awareness to my community. Awareness that we are wage slaves, that we live in poverty not because we dont work hard enough but due to the greed of the wealthy. That it's the wealthiest fault that we live pay check to pay check. I'm 22, I didn't think I would ever be in this position. I hate politics. The one thing I haven't done yet is vote and that's I'm going to do. One of the biggest problems I feel we face with this is that so many people dont realize the the United States is basically an oligarchy now. Yes, the Great United States. If nothing changes, the near future is gonna be looking very grim for regular folkes. I don't know what to do. I want to move out but they basically got me financially imprisoned. It's nearly impossible for me to leave the country. I have very few options left. I can work 60 hours a week and barely afford a roof over my head, but my fellow Americans will tell me I'm lazy, crazy, and a whiner.

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