
Start date drama!

So I interviewed last week at a new company. Things went well and they offered me job on the spot. We started discussing start dates and one person suggested possibly Monday (tomorrow) given good circumstances. If the circumstances panned out I would receive a phone call. I have not received a phone call at all. Also, I had some serious issues pop up this weekend so I emailed the one person I had contact information for and asked for a start date for next Monday so I can tie up some loose ends. He was not very happy and told me he thought tomorrow was confirmed. I told him again that I didn’t receive confirmation. He granted me the extension but in a passive aggressive way then asked me to check my junk email. Low and behold there was an orientation email way down there with a load of other…

So I interviewed last week at a new company. Things went well and they offered me job on the spot. We started discussing start dates and one person suggested possibly Monday (tomorrow) given good circumstances. If the circumstances panned out I would receive a phone call. I have not received a phone call at all. Also, I had some serious issues pop up this weekend so I emailed the one person I had contact information for and asked for a start date for next Monday so I can tie up some loose ends. He was not very happy and told me he thought tomorrow was confirmed. I told him again that I didn’t receive confirmation. He granted me the extension but in a passive aggressive way then asked me to check my junk email. Low and behold there was an orientation email way down there with a load of other crap. I apologized and explained that I do not ever look into that dark crevice of my mail. No reply since… Not sure how to feel about this.

On one side of things, I have not officially signed an offer letter yet nor did I receive the phone call I was told I would get to confirm anything.

On the other hand there was technically an orientation email buried into my junk mail.

Any and all advice/opinions on the matter welcome!

I feel pretty upset about it all..

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