
Started a new job. Not a great fit

I left a job I really enjoyed for this new job with a significant pay raise and benefits. First day was awful second day was ok. I knew this wasn’t a forever job, but I feel like it’s not a good fit. When negotiating my offer on the phone I expressed my concern for wanting a consistent schedule every week. The gentlemen handling me my offer (above my boss) assured me that they had enough gaps to fill I could work my preferred times and days. I got my schedule for my first week and had funky hours for my first day and they tried to schedule me for Saturday. I sent my boss an email and said I couldn’t do Saturday due to a prior commitment. They set the schedule on Friday for the immediate Monday. My coworkers told me the complete opposite of what I was told on…

I left a job I really enjoyed for this new job with a significant pay raise and benefits. First day was awful second day was ok. I knew this wasn’t a forever job, but I feel like it’s not a good fit.

When negotiating my offer on the phone I expressed my concern for wanting a consistent schedule every week. The gentlemen handling me my offer (above my boss) assured me that they had enough gaps to fill I could work my preferred times and days. I got my schedule for my first week and had funky hours for my first day and they tried to schedule me for Saturday. I sent my boss an email and said I couldn’t do Saturday due to a prior commitment. They set the schedule on Friday for the immediate Monday. My coworkers told me the complete opposite of what I was told on the phone. The schedule is all over the place and if I wanted something consistent they recommended I look elsewhere.

I’m very concerned in the stark difference in the scheduling expectations. I’m questioning if they are trying to bamboozle me and it’s only day 2.

Outside of the scheduling concerns it’s a lot of bending over backwards for clients and simple repeatable work. It’s not as mentally stimulating as I thought. It’s hotel A/V and all we do is set equipment in spaces, tape down cables and clear it after the event. I had done work similar to this before but we operated the equipment for the client, which we don’t do at this job and was the one thing I enjoyed.

My fight or flight has been freaking out the last few days about this. I want to get out ASAP. I’ve already applied to a dozen jobs and I’m hoping I can start interviewing for something soon.

Any advice for the 23 year old on the verge of a mental breakdown? Also if I quit in my 90 day probation do I still give 2 weeks notice?

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