
Started a new job, terminated after 1 week when my mom died.

So on July 5 I started a new job doing Support for a company. Part of a 20+ new hire training class where we were assigned to various areas of the Support department. On July 9 I get a call from my dad letting me know my Mom is in the Hospital and has been diagnosed with Cancer. On July 10 I get a follow up call from dad letting me know she is being moved to Hospice. (She would peacefully pass away 6 days later.) I live in California and my family is in Ohio. I book a redeye to get out to Ohio early Monday morning. I sent an email to my Manager and Supervisor letting them know I will be going on a leave of absence to spend time with my mom in her last days and help with arrangements. They express their sympathies and loop in…

So on July 5 I started a new job doing Support for a company. Part of a 20+ new hire training class where we were assigned to various areas of the Support department. On July 9 I get a call from my dad letting me know my Mom is in the Hospital and has been diagnosed with Cancer. On July 10 I get a follow up call from dad letting me know she is being moved to Hospice. (She would peacefully pass away 6 days later.)

I live in California and my family is in Ohio. I book a redeye to get out to Ohio early Monday morning. I sent an email to my Manager and Supervisor letting them know I will be going on a leave of absence to spend time with my mom in her last days and help with arrangements. They express their sympathies and loop in the HR Rep for our department.

Monday evening the HR Rep responds to the email, where she also expresses her sympathies and asks when I'd be available for a call on Tuesday. I let her know that I likely wouldn't be available for a call on Tuesday but if it's ok I can keep her updated as things progress and let her know when I could schedule that call. This is her response:

“Of course you can let me know when you're free, taking care of your family is the number one priority. Because you joined the company so recently and are unsure how much time you will need off, we are going to move forward with ending your employment.”

Going from “family is #1” to “we are ending your employment” that quickly about gave me whiplash. Guess I'm the bad guy for not knowing exactly when I'd be able to return within 48 hours of finding out my mom was dying? I feel like they could have at least done something like “We'll need to know when you can return by or we will have to proceed with terminating your employment with us”.

I'm not stressed about finding a new job yet, heck I'm still processing everything that has happened these past few weeks. But what a frustrating and aggravating experience that certainly makes me hate corporate America even more.

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