
Started out fine, but now I hate it here.

I moved to a new state a year and a half ago and since then my job situation has been a hot mess. First job after I moved was technically a transfer to another store within the same company, but this particular store was much smaller, I had practically zero responsibilities (despite my job title and previous qualifications), was often bored out of my mind during shifts, and didn’t get along with any of my coworkers. I left after two months of being absolutely miserable and moved into another disaster. Second job was a management position, and while I enjoyed the work I was doing, did not get along with my boss at all. Thankfully she was on maternity leave for most of the time that I was employed there so I did not have to work alongside her. She made absolutely no effort to support her management staff and…

I moved to a new state a year and a half ago and since then my job situation has been a hot mess.

First job after I moved was technically a transfer to another store within the same company, but this particular store was much smaller, I had practically zero responsibilities (despite my job title and previous qualifications), was often bored out of my mind during shifts, and didn’t get along with any of my coworkers. I left after two months of being absolutely miserable and moved into another disaster.

Second job was a management position, and while I enjoyed the work I was doing, did not get along with my boss at all. Thankfully she was on maternity leave for most of the time that I was employed there so I did not have to work alongside her. She made absolutely no effort to support her management staff and I am one of three managers that ended up leaving during the year that I was employed there.

Third job started out great. Was a completely different career field than any of my previous work, and I got along swimmingly with my supervisor. A month after starting, and with very little warning, said supervisor took another position elsewhere and I was left mostly by myself to run the enterprise full-time. The couple that owns the company I worked for hired part-time help that really did nothing to lighten the with the workload, and we’re otherwise very patronizing and controlling. I was often blamed for laitages that I had not made, and my free time was generally disrespected.
I was forced to resign after only three months when the situation began to negatively impact my mental health.

I was ambivalent about my fourth job, but as it was working for a friend and gave me the hours I was looking for, I gave it a shot. Again the first month of my employment went just fine; mostly learning procedures of managing a small business. However, after 2 to 3 months I noticed a drastic shift in the culture of the environment and began to feel increasingly dissatisfied with my role. Payroll conflicts, favoritism, lack of clear policy/procedure, poor communication, etc.

This is the job I am currently in, and I know many of my coworkers have similar opinions on how the business is being run and how staff outside of management is treated.

I have been absolutely miserable for a year and a half now and I’m struggling to find some thing that fills a financial void without also draining me of any will to work and live.

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