
Starting a new job next week

I have been working for 6 years at these same business and honestly, they have been great for the most part. I am a graphic designer and I started off making $16 an hour and got raises by asking for yearly reviews etc. I was very good at doing the larger jobs, that brought in the most money so those where my main focus. I was told a few times they wished they could pay me more but since it is a smaller company they could not. I stayed because I liked the people and it was a fun job. I have gotten all the way up to a whopping $19.50 an hour in 6 years (lol) I’ve been feeling a bit stuck for a while since a few years back I found a sheet that showed what everyone was making and JFC I was already making more then even…

I have been working for 6 years at these same business and honestly, they have been great for the most part. I am a graphic designer and I started off making $16 an hour and got raises by asking for yearly reviews etc. I was very good at doing the larger jobs, that brought in the most money so those where my main focus. I was told a few times they wished they could pay me more but since it is a smaller company they could not. I stayed because I liked the people and it was a fun job. I have gotten all the way up to a whopping $19.50 an hour in 6 years (lol) I’ve been feeling a bit stuck for a while since a few years back I found a sheet that showed what everyone was making and JFC I was already making more then even the guys that had been there for 15+ years! I found out soon after I got another raise I made the most out of everyone except the manger who was making $55,000 salary. So I had no hope of making more, mayyybe a dollar? If I was lucky? I just had another baby and money has definitely been hard. I saw a job posting by chance at a similar company doing the same job I do now but for up to $28 an hour. I applied and was offered the job for $28 an hour. Sweet! I gave my two weeks on a Friday and they said they understood and could not match that but they would miss me. I then overheard that Monday, (through a closed door) my boss offering the other designer who has been there less time then me $25 an hour. She got a bump up from $16 an hour(JFC why does no one ask for a raise) to $25 because I left and they didn’t want to risk her leaving to. I’m offended and sad. Maybe I would have stayed for that? I know they are all stressed since I do a large part of their business and me leaving is going to really hurt them. Just feels shitty and I hope I don’t hate the new job.

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