
Starting when manager is on vacation

I've had 2 jobs and both started me when the manager was on vacation. 2. I quit both of them immediately. Who thinks it's ok to start a new employee in this situation? I'm sorry, that's disrespectful to their employees. I'm new, so they don't owe me anything, but they do owe their employees. Someone is taking on their management duties and training along with their extra work due to being short staffed. If you ever wonder why a position is open, they usually show you.

I've had 2 jobs and both started me when the manager was on vacation. 2. I quit both of them immediately. Who thinks it's ok to start a new employee in this situation? I'm sorry, that's disrespectful to their employees. I'm new, so they don't owe me anything, but they do owe their employees. Someone is taking on their management duties and training along with their extra work due to being short staffed.

If you ever wonder why a position is open, they usually show you.

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