
“Stay in your lane”

Had a meeting to discuss a promotion to a role that I was essentially already fulfilling with my work. I had figured that since I was already doing this “promoted position,” that it would be obvious that they would give me the promotion and at least a bit of the raise that I requested. Instead the meeting went like this. Management; “we think that the job you are doing isn’t really the role you are requesting.” Me: “So what about these tasks that are obviously not within my expected role that I’ve been performing for yall?” Manager: “oh. Yeah, no. Don’t do those.” Me: “It was a different manager who keeps asking me to do these things, how am I supposed to just stop doing them?” Manager: “At this company, we like to promote the idea of Stay In Your Lane. So that’s what we want you to do. Just…

Had a meeting to discuss a promotion to a role that I was essentially already fulfilling with my work. I had figured that since I was already doing this “promoted position,” that it would be obvious that they would give me the promotion and at least a bit of the raise that I requested.
Instead the meeting went like this.
Management; “we think that the job you are doing isn’t really the role you are requesting.”
Me: “So what about these tasks that are obviously not within my expected role that I’ve been performing for yall?”
Manager: “oh. Yeah, no. Don’t do those.”
Me: “It was a different manager who keeps asking me to do these things, how am I supposed to just stop doing them?”
Manager: “At this company, we like to promote the idea of Stay In Your Lane. So that’s what we want you to do. Just do your normal tasks.”
Me: “Great. Cool, can you define what my tasks should be?”
Manager: “I’ll have to speak to my higher ups to decide that.”
So now that secondary manager has me still completing tasks that are essentially his job but he didn’t want to do them. And the manager in the exchange above has given me no feedback on if I can say no to the things I’m being given.
Trust me, you can save the “find a new job” comments. I’m already trying, it’s just been difficult to find a job that I actually want.

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