
Stop removing posts discussing Dem vs. Rep

It's a discussion this sub obviously wants to have and is directly pertinent to workers rights in the US. I've seen three big posts removed for being “off topic”. How the fuck is that justified? Anti-work is explicitly leftist. The significant number of lib/centrist/right leaning members of the sub need to be exposed those ideas. Instead all that happens is they see these posts get removed and think “those leftists making things political again”. Workers rights are political. The people vehemently opposing them are the right. Likely this will also be removed, so get it while it's hot.

It's a discussion this sub obviously wants to have and is directly pertinent to workers rights in the US. I've seen three big posts removed for being “off topic”. How the fuck is that justified?

Anti-work is explicitly leftist. The significant number of lib/centrist/right leaning members of the sub need to be exposed those ideas. Instead all that happens is they see these posts get removed and think “those leftists making things political again”. Workers rights are political. The people vehemently opposing them are the right.

Likely this will also be removed, so get it while it's hot.

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