
Store fired me for getting sick

This happened in January of this year. I had worked 5 and a half months as a helper at a store close to home. For those who don't know, in Germany, companies can't just fire you without reason, and even when they do have a reason, it usually takes a while until you lose your job. That is, unless you are in the “testing” phase. This is the phase that lasts about 6 months from when you start working. During this phase, you can be fired and thrown out on the same day without notice. I had worked 5 and a half months for the store, only to be told that I was getting let go for “too many sick days”. I was sick 5 times in 5 and a half months, and only when I was really sick, like when I had covid for example. I did not use…

This happened in January of this year. I had worked 5 and a half months as a helper at a store close to home. For those who don't know, in Germany, companies can't just fire you without reason, and even when they do have a reason, it usually takes a while until you lose your job. That is, unless you are in the “testing” phase. This is the phase that lasts about 6 months from when you start working.

During this phase, you can be fired and thrown out on the same day without notice. I had worked 5 and a half months for the store, only to be told that I was getting let go for “too many sick days”. I was sick 5 times in 5 and a half months, and only when I was really sick, like when I had covid for example.

I did not use any of my holiday days because I planned to use them to get through the end of the testing phase. I guess, the higher ups figured that out, and decided to fire me just before I used them.Moral of the story? Capitalism is bad.

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