
store owner didn’t want me to tell anyone about my raise

its hard to rant to anybody bc they just don’t understand at all. i’ve worked at the same place and same position since august 2021. i got bumped up to $14 an hour in october and was told i would get a raise whenever i graduated high school to work full time in the summer. i don’t like to toot my own but i feel like i’m a very hard worker and for $14 an hour, i excelled and worked hard. so, i graduated and she (store owner) is saying how i’m going to play a bigger role in this warehouse and how i’m going to get the raise and credit i deserve. after graduating on may 15, she never went to me. i asked my boss to talk to her, as im getting impatient because i gotta pay rent and $14 an hour won’t do it. so, she finally…

its hard to rant to anybody bc they just don’t understand at all. i’ve worked at the same place and same position since august 2021. i got bumped up to $14 an hour in october and was told i would get a raise whenever i graduated high school to work full time in the summer. i don’t like to toot my own but i feel like i’m a very hard worker and for $14 an hour, i excelled and worked hard. so, i graduated and she (store owner) is saying how i’m going to play a bigger role in this warehouse and how i’m going to get the raise and credit i deserve. after graduating on may 15, she never went to me. i asked my boss to talk to her, as im getting impatient because i gotta pay rent and $14 an hour won’t do it. so, she finally talks to me today and she goes off on me saying how i have a terrible attitude towards her and everyone else, i talk way too much about who makes what and how i don’t make enough and how it’s no one’s business (bullshit), i’m very lazy, and i can barely do my job, and that since i graduated, “it’s a great thing, but it doesn’t mean you automatically get a raise”. while not completely shitting on me, she blamed the economy and inflation (which is bullshit because she has upped the prices of products we sell by around $300 since november) for having to send me home earlier now and since “we don’t have any business” she can only go up to $16 an hour and it’s non-negotiable. i’m fucking fuming, and for my friend, who has been here since october of ‘21, to not get a raise has set me off the charts. there’s only 3 of us in this warehouse, as me and my friend comprise 2/3 workers. we’re both putting in our 2 weeks and gonna watch this company crumble. it’s gonna be awesome

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