
Store owners want to take away card tips

I work at a big coffee shop in a small town. My bosses who are also the store owners have proposed a vote to us employees asking if we'd rather have $2/hour extra in pay, (we make 14.50/hr) and that would mean we get no credit card tips. The other option would be we keep our original salary and keep our card tips. We get to keep cash tips regardless, but they don't hold a finger to how much we make from card tips. Now i've done some math, and it would only benefit us to do this if we make less than $30 in tips a day, which we don't. All my coworkers seem to be for it though, are my bosses trying to f*ck us over??

I work at a big coffee shop in a small town. My bosses who are also the store owners have proposed a vote to us employees asking if we'd rather have $2/hour extra in pay, (we make 14.50/hr) and that would mean we get no credit card tips. The other option would be we keep our original salary and keep our card tips. We get to keep cash tips regardless, but they don't hold a finger to how much we make from card tips. Now i've done some math, and it would only benefit us to do this if we make less than $30 in tips a day, which we don't. All my coworkers seem to be for it though, are my bosses trying to f*ck us over??

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