
Strep Throat? You’re Still Coming In.[VENT]

If there are any issues or questions about my post please let me know, I'm a complete n00b with anything more difficult than Google. I'm very frustrated with my job right now and I wanted to share this to somewhere that will probably support me. Short backstory- I'm currently a 15 hrs full time college student as well as logging 25 hrs a week at work, that's not many but with my schoolwork + lab hours I have no time for myself. My only day without classes or work is Sunday and I typically spend it doing hw/studying/house chores. I've been feeling a little ill for the past several days but I attributed it to stress and seasonal allergies as springtime has always been horrible to me however I did get a COVID test just in case and it came back negative. I decided to get additional tests since I've…

If there are any issues or questions about my post please let me know, I'm a complete n00b with anything more difficult than Google.

I'm very frustrated with my job right now and I wanted to share this to somewhere that will probably support me.

Short backstory- I'm currently a 15 hrs full time college student as well as logging 25 hrs a week at work, that's not many but with my schoolwork + lab hours I have no time for myself. My only day without classes or work is Sunday and I typically spend it doing hw/studying/house chores.

I've been feeling a little ill for the past several days but I attributed it to stress and seasonal allergies as springtime has always been horrible to me however I did get a COVID test just in case and it came back negative.
I decided to get additional tests since I've been prone to getting sick, particularly with strep, and actually have a compromised immune system from childhood illnesses. The strep test came back positive and the doctor prescribed me the antibiotics and told me go home and try not to get out of bed until I'm feeling better, but to also avoid leaving the house until I have my follow up appointment because I could catch another bug while already sick and that my system can't take the excess stress.

given that I'm contagious, and feel like dogshit, I reached out to both my college and to my job with a digital scan of the note explaining my situation and asking to take a few days off. My professors have said that I'm free to stay home but they would still strike the absences against my grade. Not ideal since a whole weeks absences will default my grade and I'll fail.

My work however? Told me that since I don't have a positive COVID test I'm still beholden to clock in for my designated hours. When I explained that I'm actively contagious and can't physically keep up with the work due to being sick it would be a bad idea(I work at an auto parts commercial fulfillment hub, lots of talking to people and lifting/moving car parts). My GM is holding firm that I still need to come in and if I don't it will be considered “no-call no-show”. My state is at-will employment and I know now that our location has a trend of cutting people after they miss any more than 2 shifts in a single pay cycle and I have three shifts this just this week.

TL;DR Im immunocompromised and have strep throat. both my school and job are being inflexible even though I have the doctors note saying I shouldn't work or be up and about until I see my doctor again for follow up.

What do yall think I should do?

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