
Stuck between a “contract-to-hire” job and a potential new opportunity, and I could use some advice.

To provide some background I'm a business econ graduate who, due to covid, wasn't able to find a job when I graduated due to plans of moving to Florida once a vaccine was available. I moved here around July of 2021 and found a “contract-to-hire” analyst role in August. When I took this job I fully expected the opportunity to hire to be nothing more than bait to string me along. Fast forward to now; the recruiting agency hosting this contract position has mentioned the potential to hire once across all our communications stating back in November that the company I am being contracted out to is “aiming for the beginning of 2022.” As such I've been looking for new opportunities since the start of February and was contacted by a recruiter today who had a few direct hire analytics opportunities that seemed interesting to me. They asked about my…

To provide some background I'm a business econ graduate who, due to covid, wasn't able to find a job when I graduated due to plans of moving to Florida once a vaccine was available. I moved here around July of 2021 and found a “contract-to-hire” analyst role in August. When I took this job I fully expected the opportunity to hire to be nothing more than bait to string me along. Fast forward to now; the recruiting agency hosting this contract position has mentioned the potential to hire once across all our communications stating back in November that the company I am being contracted out to is “aiming for the beginning of 2022.” As such I've been looking for new opportunities since the start of February and was contacted by a recruiter today who had a few direct hire analytics opportunities that seemed interesting to me. They asked about my contract work and if there was any potential I would be hired on fully, and I briefly summarized my current situation. They then recommended I inform the recruiting agency I'm currently employed under that I was contacted by a recruiter and inquire about the status of becoming a full hire to prevent a back and forth of counter offers (which I realize would primarily be in the best interest of the recruiter given their salary is commission-based). That being said, I don't exactly want to get into an aggressive bidding war if this should happen and create any ill-will towards me that ends in my prospective position being terminated one month after I'm hired on. Likewise, I don't want to bring this to the agency I'm working under only for them or the client to terminate my position because contractors are just that expendable. The pay isn't exceptional for the area's cost of living or for someone with my educational background but it's enough to pay for basic necessities. That being said, I don't know how to best proceed and any advice would be appreciated, given this subreddit's collective experience on these matters.

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