
supervisor and his false power dynamic trip

Ok, that's a horribly worded title forgive me. I work in a skilled trade and the job itself (meaning the work alone) is nice, I like how it makes me think and problem solve. My views of our society and it's structure are at odds with they way we are 'supposed' to be; working hard, hardly sleeping, hurting the ones we love because we are so grouchy from work etc etc. That's besides the point. My supervisor is the type of person I'd never wanna be. Fake nice, fake encouragement, fake fake fake fake fake. I don't like the eyes when they convey an “I'm more important than you, have more power than you, you are MY bitch”. First off, I'll break your whole face if you looked at me/spoke to me like that outside of work. The only reason these mf's act like this is cause they know they…

Ok, that's a horribly worded title forgive me. I work in a skilled trade and the job itself (meaning the work alone) is nice, I like how it makes me think and problem solve. My views of our society and it's structure are at odds with they way we are 'supposed' to be; working hard, hardly sleeping, hurting the ones we love because we are so grouchy from work etc etc. That's besides the point.

My supervisor is the type of person I'd never wanna be. Fake nice, fake encouragement, fake fake fake fake fake. I don't like the eyes when they convey an “I'm more important than you, have more power than you, you are MY bitch”. First off, I'll break your whole face if you looked at me/spoke to me like that outside of work. The only reason these mf's act like this is cause they know they can, unless you don't give a fuck.

I have a wife and young child and I'm the sole provider in terms of making money. I asked my wife to raise our child so some stranger isn't, so that's not my gripe at all, period.

I'm tired of this system and what it makes people. First time posting here so I probably didn't convey my emotions on the topic very well.

If I were single I'd have done fucked sooooo many people in the workplace up, regardless of any 'trouble' I may get into. I'm never wearing handcuffs again or being locked in a fucking box, but again, that's another topic.

I'm a sovereign being, tired of the forced indentured servitude.

When will we collectively fuck this shit up? Time will tell.

Have a good work day

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