
Supervisor breathing down your neck but doesn’t do anything.

Started a new job as a machine operator being shown the ropes and the how to's. Fast forward a few weeks my “training” is over (not really training more of production and some troubleshooting). The labeling machine breaks down and I gotta fix it with minor knowledge. So I stop the main machine for a few minutes replacing all the labels and ink ribbons. Not more than 3 minutes in the supervisor comes over glaring me down and glaring my trainer down. Didn't really care because I had to fix it or eventually we would be backed up and have to move ridiculously fast to get basic work done. As I finish, I walked over to my area where the supervisor was just breathing air. She says “Hurry up, you've got 3 people today you can fix it while the main operator runs.” We generally have only two people running…

Started a new job as a machine operator being shown the ropes and the how to's. Fast forward a few weeks my “training” is over (not really training more of production and some troubleshooting).

The labeling machine breaks down and I gotta fix it with minor knowledge. So I stop the main machine for a few minutes replacing all the labels and ink ribbons.

Not more than 3 minutes in the supervisor comes over glaring me down and glaring my trainer down. Didn't really care because I had to fix it or eventually we would be backed up and have to move ridiculously fast to get basic work done.

As I finish, I walked over to my area where the supervisor was just breathing air.
She says “Hurry up, you've got 3 people today you can fix it while the main operator runs.”
We generally have only two people running the machine and packaging products.

This lady doesn't do anything but sit and watch the cameras. Anytime someone needs help or anything she is always the last one to come around. Always just at her desk monitoring production rates. Mind you we hit and exceed production everyday and every week so I figure a 10 minute break to fix a necessary part of the operation wouldn't harm anyone.

But naw, lazy supervisor breaths down your neck telling you how lazy you are and that the machine can't stop for even a single second.

Boutta dip out real quick if this kinda behavior keeps happening. Using fear and anger to force people to exceed goals.

And they wonder why no one wants to stick around.

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