
Supervisor didn’t answer, so I didn’t bother going into work

My dog has been limping since Monday. We noticed one of his toe pads was swollen and he wouldn't put pressure on that foot. I told my supervisor TO HIS FACE that I'd need to either come in late on the day after payday (today) or not at all, because there was no way around a vet visit (also, my fiance doesn't drive, so she was useless in the situation). His answer was a solid 'we'll see'. Uh, no friend. Thats not how this works. I asked him through text again yesterday, since he wasn't at work, no answer. Only when I'm 10 minutes from home did he decide to respond, telling me it's fine to come in late/not at all, but to keep him updated on whether I'm going to be in or not. Fine, fair. The appointment went fine, just took a little longer than expected, and I…

My dog has been limping since Monday. We noticed one of his toe pads was swollen and he wouldn't put pressure on that foot. I told my supervisor TO HIS FACE that I'd need to either come in late on the day after payday (today) or not at all, because there was no way around a vet visit (also, my fiance doesn't drive, so she was useless in the situation). His answer was a solid 'we'll see'. Uh, no friend. Thats not how this works.

I asked him through text again yesterday, since he wasn't at work, no answer. Only when I'm 10 minutes from home did he decide to respond, telling me it's fine to come in late/not at all, but to keep him updated on whether I'm going to be in or not. Fine, fair. The appointment went fine, just took a little longer than expected, and I didn't have my work phone on me, so I couldn't call him right away.

A little background on my job: I just started in this company/industry barely 4 months ago. They advertise 'no experience required, we train you'. Well, turns out that my branch manager had a problem with my lack of experience (which I noted multiple times during the hiring process, and was told it's okay), so I got pushed from the job I wanted to do/learn, to pretty much grunt work. It'd been an ongoing struggle to even figure out her thought process on the matter.

So, now here I am, doing a job I couldn't care less about, with higher-ups that think me saying I'm going to be late/not coming in is me asking permission. Naturally, I scheduled an interview for today, too. It went great, guy said I was a shoe-in for the job. I called my super after the interview like he asked (the vet did take longer than expected, the interview was maybe an extra 30 minutes), and he didn't pick up. I texted him with the rundown, and said to let me know if he'd want me to still come in, or just take the hit on the hours, which I was fine with.

That was 5 hours ago, and I've heard not a peep from him. I'm probably going to get a lecture/ass chewing tomorrow, but I'll be sure to remind him I called AND texted, with no response. At this company, info is relayed once, and if you miss the memo, it's on you to fix the problem, so I held them to the same standard. I communicated my end of things and was given no response, and I'm surely not going to twist anyones arm.

Moral of the story: play the same game they do. Play it exactly by the rules they use, and if you get tired of their games, leave. If I get this new job before the week is out, I'm quitting on the spot so they can be left even more short-handed, and because they love to figure things out last minute. I even explained all this to the interviewer, and he agrees that them losing me is their own fault. Hopefully this time the job that says 'no experience required' doesn't try and decide when that does and doesn't apply.

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