
Supervisors showing favoritism

Hi I was just wondering if it was ok for supervisors at a factory to offer overtime only to their family members and friends? This has been happening for months and I just found out today that, while most of us are restricted to 40 hours a week, a group of tightly knit supervisors have been coming in on Saturdays and getting that sweet overtime with their relatives and keeping people like myself in the dark entirely. Is this just unfair, or is there legal recourse?

Hi I was just wondering if it was ok for supervisors at a factory to offer overtime only to their family members and friends? This has been happening for months and I just found out today that, while most of us are restricted to 40 hours a week, a group of tightly knit supervisors have been coming in on Saturdays and getting that sweet overtime with their relatives and keeping people like myself in the dark entirely. Is this just unfair, or is there legal recourse?

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