
Supervisors who think they shouldn’t have to work holidays.

So I work at a very large hospital. I'm not quite a supervisor but I'm not a technician either. Sort of an in between man that is in charge when there are no supervisors or managers. I work in a department that is not super difficult to work in compared to others but we have a pretty robust amount of people. The majority of which have worked here for 15+ years, So it's quite a few older people (45-60). One of the supervisors in our office has been here for 32 years And hes a bit of a Dr Jekyl & Mr. Hyde kind of person. He'll be pretty content and happy in the morning but for some reason as soon as lunch time gets here it's not long before he's being passive aggressive and slamming things everywhere and mumbling. The way we do our holidays is we have a…

So I work at a very large hospital. I'm not quite a supervisor but I'm not a technician either. Sort of an in between man that is in charge when there are no supervisors or managers. I work in a department that is not super difficult to work in compared to others but we have a pretty robust amount of people. The majority of which have worked here for 15+ years, So it's quite a few older people (45-60). One of the supervisors in our office has been here for 32 years And hes a bit of a Dr Jekyl & Mr. Hyde kind of person. He'll be pretty content and happy in the morning but for some reason as soon as lunch time gets here it's not long before he's being passive aggressive and slamming things everywhere and mumbling. The way we do our holidays is we have a bulletin board with a bunch of print outs of each holiday with a draft list of position names, And then the name of the employee that will be working that holiday. I've noticed that this man is never on any of them and I've learned from one of the other guys that's just a Tech who's been here for 20 years that this supervisor has stated he will not work holidays because he does not think he should have to, while everyone else has to. I've noticed he gets put on it but he never actually works it. He always ends up switching with people for another holiday he's put on but then he ends up not working that holiday either somehow. Here during Memorial Day he asked me if I would work it for him and I said absolutely not, because I'm already working another holiday that I would prefer to work. He did not like this at all but alas, he was able to not work that holiday again. This is also the type of person who toots his own horn constantly and takes credit for things he did not do. He'll take credit for how well an employee does even though he's not the one that trained them at all (We have 4 supervisors, 3 managers, 1 Director). He also sits in his office for a good 3 hours while everyone else is working and then constantly talks about how other people are slow, or don't do something as good as he would in his opinion. My job is not hard by any means but I really don't like people that toot their own horns and constantly give themselves a pat on the back like they did something special when in reality they've just worked here a really really long time. It's very off putting and demoralizing to see someone want everyone else to work holidays and think they shouldn't have to just because they worked somewhere for 30 years. It's to the point where employees are coming to me asking me questions that I can't answer or give any type of authority to because I'm not a supervisor. Does anybody work somewhere similar to this where upper management think they're entitled to special treatment that “standard tech” employees are not privy too?

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