
“Talk yourself up,” they say

Applying for promotion again after being denied is really disheartening. Forget the fact that applying for promotion involves putting together over 600 pages of documents to show I’ve been doing my job well, it also involves writing 3 essays to “prove” I am qualified for said promotion. Never mind the fact that, based on what was said last time, my documents were likely skimmed at best. To say I am not feeling interested in being a team player is the understatement of the year. I’ve already divested myself of responsibilities I’d taken on that were not a contractual obligation, where I would often voluntarily do extra work. Learning that no is a complete sentence and I can ignore completely emails asking for volunteers has been a godsend. So how tf do I amp myself up on doing all this work a second time, being fully prepared for further disappointment? It’s…

Applying for promotion again after being denied is really disheartening. Forget the fact that applying for promotion involves putting together over 600 pages of documents to show I’ve been doing my job well, it also involves writing 3 essays to “prove” I am qualified for said promotion.

Never mind the fact that, based on what was said last time, my documents were likely skimmed at best.

To say I am not feeling interested in being a team player is the understatement of the year. I’ve already divested myself of responsibilities I’d taken on that were not a contractual obligation, where I would often voluntarily do extra work. Learning that no is a complete sentence and I can ignore completely emails asking for volunteers has been a godsend.

So how tf do I amp myself up on doing all this work a second time, being fully prepared for further disappointment? It’s like a pall over my life right now.

(I also work extra gigs away from this job and still don’t make the area median income. So poor right now I’m borrowing from family to make it to next month after a disastrous vet bill.)

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